Lets you make a pattern from anything that appears on your screen.
Customize Wallpaper here.
Saves the pattern in your LMM to your System file.
Restores to the desktop whatever pattern was displayed when Wallpaper started up. Not avaliable now because the desktop pattern has not changed yet.
Restores to the desktop whatever pattern was displayed when Wallpaper started up.
Allows you to load a pattern into the selected stored pattern space.
Allows you to save the selected pattern.
Moves the selected pattern into the editor.
When Autoscrolling is on, the editor scrolls to accomodate drawing past the borders of the current display. Choose this item to turn Autoscrolling off.
When Autoscrolling is on, the editor scrolls to accomodate drawing past the borders of the current display. Choose this item to turn Autoscrolling on.
Dividers can separate repetitions of the pattern in the editor. The menu is checked because dividers are currently shown. Choose this item to hide the dividers.
Dividers can separate repetitions of the pattern in the editor. The menu is not checked because dividers are not currently shown. Choose this item to show the dividers.
Reduces the size at which the editor's pattern is viewed. Dimmed now because you have achieved 0% smallification.
Reduces the size at which the editor's pattern is viewed.
Magnifies the view of the pattern as seen in the editor. Dimmed now because the pattern is zoomed in to the max.
Magnifies the view of the pattern as seen in the editor.
Provides some basic help with using Wallpaper. See the manual for more.
Provides information about the program and its publisher.